Poster sessions

First poster session 16 – 17 September

Multiple Stressors and Climate Change

Francesca Ape – READ POSTER

Impact of temperature increase on meiofaunal communities and the buffer effect of canopy-forming macroalgae on vermetid reefs.

Francesca Ape – READ POSTER

The influence of ocean warming on the vermetid early colonization and on their interactions with the canopy macroalgal assemblage.


Definition of habitat suitability models in prediction of the effects induced by stress factors and climate change on small pelagic fish.


Deep-sea ecosystem shi/s and their effects on prokaryo5c and micro-eukaryoteic components and trophodynamics: the Porcupine Abyssal Plain case study.


Effects of extreme ocean temperature rise on Acartia spp respiration rates.


Impact of pleasure craft boating on benthic habitats along the Italian waters.

Pattern of changes in marine ecosystems

Adele Cocozza di Montanara – READ POSTER

Seagrass system’s missing piece: the deep macerating bottoms. Pilot study of nematode community associated with Mediterranean P. oceanica detritus.

Agnese Fumanti – READ POSTER

Marine copepods and diversity of their microbiome.

Carlos Sangil – READ POSTER

Seasonal assessment of macroalgal communities in CO2 vents: hypnophycean species enhance differences between low pH and control zones.

Claudio Di Marino – READ POSTER

Functional traits of phytoplankton community in relation to inorganic nutrients in fusaro lagoon (Campania region, Italy)

Concetta Auciello – read poster

Diatom communities on seagrass in the Arabian Gulf: species analysis and population dynamics.

Erika Arcadi – read poster

Microbial diversity in water and sediment samples from Hot/Cold vents in the shallow hydrothermal system of Panarea Island (Aeolian Arc)

Erika Arcadi – READ POSTER

Taxonomic composition of microbial communities associated to Caulerpa prolifera along acidified Vulcano shallow hydrothermal vent.

Federica Cacciatore – READ POSTER

Macrozoobenthos changing in Venice Lagoon: a monitoring story since 2011.

Lorenzo Scenna – read poster

The mystery of “fairy circles”: exploring the ecology of coralligenous mesophotic rings in the Mediterranean Sea.

Martina Canessa – READ POSTER

The evolution of sessile benthos biodiversity in the Genoa harbour over a multi-decadal period.

Paolo Comandini – READ POSTER

Effects of abiotic variables in determining the differences in vegetation between artificial and natural salt marshes in the Venice Lagoon.

Riccardo Virgili – READ POSTER

A first integrative taxonomy framework of the family Pyuridae (Ascidiacea: Stolidobranchia) in European waters unveils hidden diversity and reassesses habitat forming species.

Rosie Clewett – READ POSTER

Monitoring Change in Highly Protected Marine Ecosystems.

Valentina Tanduo – READ POSTER

Biodiversity assessments and changes in the Gulf of Naples (central-western Mediterranean Sea): insights from decapods.

Adaptations to environmental changes

Anna Ikonen – READ POSTER

Temperature adaptation in resurrected phytoplankton across the European coastal ecosystem.

Erika Arcadi – READ POSTER

Microbial communities as early warning indicator in response to the acidification process in shallow hydrothermal vent (Levante Bay, Vulcano Island)

Ginevra Fanelli – read poster

A novel microbial habitat from a submarine volcano hosts a large and undiscovered yet biodiversity.

Giovanna Guadagnin – read poster

Metabolic responses of local vs invasive crab species to warming mediated by different levels of environmental predictability.

Ilaria D’Aniello – read poster

Physiological responses to ocean acidification in the habitat former macroalgae Gongolaria barbata.

Ludovica De Vincenzis – read poster

No place to hide: shift from natural to artificial habitats (marine litter) for Benthocometes robustus (Ophidiidae) in the Mediterranean Sea.

Marco Munari – read poster

Investigating primary producers buffer effect against mercury pollution in two marine invertebrate species.

Mukaila Alhassan – READ POSTER

Impact of Thermal Stress on Microbiome Composition and Diversity in the Mussel Brachidontes pharaonis (P. Fischer, 1870)

Sara D’Ambros Burchio – READ POSTER

The three varieties problem: molecular and morphological investigation on the macroalgal habitat former Gongolaria barbata (Sargassaceae, Fucales)

Yosr Ammar – READ POSTER

Cascading effects of changing environmental conditions and food-web structure on bioaccumulation of contaminants in higher trophic levels.

General “Marine Biology” Session

Anthony Andrieu – READ POSTER

Multiple haemolymph extraction as a tool for neoplasia diagnosis and real time disease tracking in Macoma balthica clams.

Anthony Andrieu – READ POSTER

Bivalve transmissible neoplasia in Macoma balthica clams: immune-based susceptibility to neoplastic cells uptake and BTN development.

Ana Travizi – READ POSTER 

The nematode assemblage as a tool for the assessment of fish farming effect, Limski kanal Bay (Northern Adriatic Sea, Croatia)

Andrea Cabrito – READ POSTER

Unveiling Cryptic Diversity: A reevaluation of the warm-water genus Sporolithon in the Mediterranean Sea.

Anthony Andrieu – READ POSTER

Multi-level analyses reveal complexity of physiological alterations accompanying bivalve transmissible neoplasia (BTN) in Macoma balthica clams.

Antonela Sovulj – READ POSTER

Feeding habits and histological structure of the digestive tract of the Blackspot Seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) from the Eastern Adriatic Sea.

Antonio Morgillo – READ POSTER

Unveiling the Effects of Emerging Contaminants on Marine Organism Embryogenesis.

Bruna Petani – READ POSTER

Effects of aquaculture activities on meiofauna community structure in eastern middle Adriatic Sea.

Eleni A. Charmpila – READ POSTER

Otolith Shape Analysis: a useful tool for identification of cryptic flatfish (Teleostei, Pleuronectiformes: Soleidae)

Elli Koulouvari – read poster

Analysis of a long-term time series of mesozooplankton data in the Saronic Gulf, Eastern Mediterranean.

Ermenegilda Vitale – READ POSTER

Functional ecological traits in juvenile and adult thalli of canopy-forming brown macroalga Gongolaria barbata from a Transitional Water System.

Francesca Maresca – read poster

Investigating the Bald Sea Urchin Disease (BSUD) in a natural population of Paracentrotus lividus in the Gulf of Naples.

Filippo Drigo – READ POSTER

Integrating morphological, physiological, and molecular approaches to monitor photosynthetic biodiversity in the Venice Lagoon.

Filippo Piccardi – READ POSTER

Assessing the impact of the invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi on artisanal fisheries in the Venice Lagoon: an interdisciplinary approach.

Francesca Carella – READ POSTER

Experimental infection of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus by three Vibrio splendidus-related strains.

Francesco Fabiano – READ POSTER

Occurrence of potentially pathogenic and antibiotic resistant bacteria along the Calabrian Tyrrhenian coastline.

Francesco Fabiano – READ POSTER

Diversity and degrading capacity of viable bacteria from plastic debris collected along the coast of the Ionian and Tyrrhenian Sea.

Francesco Fabiano – READ POSTER

New insights on microbial diversity in the seamount systems of the Cape Palinuro area (Salerno, Italy)

Genuario Belmonte – read poster

Sessile Polychaeta (Serpulidae) of a submarine animal forest (biostalactite field of the submarine cave “lu Lampiùne”, SE Italy)

Genuario Belmonte – read poster

Plankton resting stages distribution in bottom sediments along the confinement gradient of the Taranto Sea System (Ionian Sea, Southern Italy)

Giulia Bellanti – read poster

Macroalgal epiphytic communities as potential indicators of the conservation status of Mediterranean macroalgal forests.

Giulia Furfaro – read poster

A crowded apartment building: the widespread Amathia verticillata (delle Chiaje, 1822) and its associated nudibranchs fauna (Mollusca, Gastropoda)

Tom J. Artois – READ POSTER

On the genus Lagenopolycystis Artois and Schockaert, 2000 (Platyhelminthes, Kalyptorhynchia, Polycystididae)

Second poster session 18 – 19 September

Ocean solutions for Nature and people

Federica Ferrigno – READ POSTER

Preliminary data on recovery of a vulnerable sea pen population following an underwater cable installation.

Paolo Albicini – READ POSTER

IMTA based system in offshore environment: a Ligurian case study and hints for combining aquaculture and ecological restoration.


Enhancing biodiversity through artificial reef deployment in mussel aquaculture areas: temporal trends of key species in NW Spain.


Biodiversea LIFE-IP – enhancing the marine biodiversity of the Baltic Sea in Finland and promoting the sustainable use of marine resources.


A new biomimetic surface to restore oysters and protect salt marsh edges.

Marine Conservation and Restoration

Arianna Pansini – READ POSTER

How thermal regime and herbivory pressure can affect Posidonia oceanica seedlings development during restoration actions.

Claudia Pezzilli – READ POSTER

Improving the effectiveness of Ericaria amentacea restoration interventions: characterisation of donor population and testing of different cultivation strategies.

Claudia Pezzilli – read poster

Sustainable methods for the ecological restoration of Posidonia oceanica in the Mediterranean Sea.

Federica Stranci – read poster

Reconnect. Reconciling conserva.on and exploita.on of a keystone species through networks of Marine Protected Areas.

Ida Beathe Øverjordet – read poster

CLIMAREST: Coastal Climate Resilience and Marine Restoration Tools for the Arctic Atlantic basin.

Luca Appolloni – read poster

Impacts hampering reserve and spill-over effects of two Marine Protected Areas: spatial variation of fish communities in the overcrowded Gulf of Naples.

Maurizio Simeone – READ POSTER

Marine Protected Area Gaiola Underwater Park: the first Posidonia oceanica restoration habitat in the City of Naples.

Innovative (bio)technologies for marine monitoring and explorations: Internet of Underwater Things

Anita Ferri – READ POSTER

Unveiling the Biotechnological Potential of the Marine Polychaete Halla parthenopeia: the Antimicrobial Properties of Hallachrome and Identification of Novel Toxins.

Elena Cenni – READ POSTER

Optical sensors and photogrammetry for the detection of fine-scale biometric parameters and changes in marine bioconstructors.

Emanuele Organelli – READ POSTER

Plankton biodivErsity Through Remote sensing and omIcs in the MEDiterranean Sea: The PETRI-MED project.

Federica Spina – READ POSTER

Fungi in plastisphere: their ecological role and biotechnological valorization.

Hyojin Ahn – read poster

A case study of alternative methods for seaweed bed monitoring: Applying camera and 3D scanner for underwater survey.

Miryam Fortuna – READ POSTER

Fourier-Transform Near Infrared Spectroscopy application to age determination of Engraulis encrasicolus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the central Mediterranean Sea.

Riccardo Nanni – READ POSTER

Interannual variability of the Mediterranean seascape based on phytoplankton phenology detected from satellite observations.

General “Marine Biology” Session

Joachim Langeneck – read poster

Macrozoobenthic assemblages associated to the alien seagrass Halophila stipulacea under varying invasion intensity.

Joana A. Riedel – read poster

Relationship between seagrass traits and PES strategies with ecosystem functions along environmental gradients.

Jorge Luiz Rodrigues Filho – read poster

Heavy metal concentrations in the threatened ray Sympterygia acuta in Southern Brazil.

Justyna Świeżak – read poster

Does Carbamazepine exposure lead to histopathological impairments in the ArcƟc scallop Chlamys islandica?

Justyna Świeżak – read poster

Evaluation of cellular stress biomarkers responses to three common pharmaceuticals in the boreal crustacean Gammarus oceanicus from Svalbard (Norway)

Laura M. Trovão – READ POSTER

FDmine: A trait database for fauna associated with habitats targeted for seabed mining.

Maja Fafanđel – read poster

Physiological response of mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis to genotoxic effect of environmentally relevant benzo(a)pyrene concentrations.

Marco Martinez – read poster

Indehiscent fruits of Posidonia oceanica (L.): seed release and germination potential.

Marco Martinez – read poster

Cumulative effects of microplastics and organic enrichment on the macrofaunal community associated with P. oceanica meadows.

Marianna Farina – READ POSTER

Monitoring and Conservation of Pelagic Sea Turtles in the Mediterranean Sea: Insights from the Life CONCEPTU MARIS project.

Michele Solca – READ POSTER

Ecological notes on the alien nudibranch Melibe viridis (Kelaart, 1858) (Mollusca, Gastropoda) from Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Ionian Sea)

Mikołaj Mazurkiewicz – READ POSTER 

DNA metabarcoding of tissue-associated microbiota in the Baltic blue mussel (Mytilus trossulus)

Miles Ellis – READ POSTER

A long-term time series of microplastics: an investigation into ingestion of microplastics by the Antarctic cushion star Odontaster validus.

Mirna Batistić – READ POSTER

Zooplankton as an indicator of thermohaline changes in the Adriatic Sea over the last 125 years.

Mišo Pavičić – READ POSTER

Assessing the impacts of anthropogenic pressures on coastal nurseries along the eastern Adriatic coast.

Monica Calabrò – READ POSTER

How the diet of a demersal fish predator (Merluccius merluccius L., 1758) changes through the years in the central Mediterranean Sea.

Paraskevi Maria Tsopanelli – READ POSTER

Assessing Copper Leaching and Toxicity from fish cage nets: A Comprehensive Investigation.

Paulina Goździk – READ POSTER

Contaminants of emerging concern over the seasons – a non-targeted analysis in the Baltic Sea.

Pierluigi Carbonara – READ POSTER

The fishery impact on Isidella elongata facies: demographic, biodiversity associated and mapping analysis.

Pietro Battaglia – READ POSTER

An integrated methodology for the monitoring of Italian recreational fishing within the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.

Pietro Battaglia – READ POSTER

Diet and feeding strategy of the Mediterranean spearfish Tetrapturus belone (family: Istiophoridae)

Rade Garić – READ POSTER

Barcoding of non-indigenous gelatinous zooplankton species in the Adriatic.

Rumiko Kajihara – READ POSTER

Attempt to expansion of benthic habitat in the fishing ports of cold region.

Sabrina Lo Brutto – READ POSTER

An outline of amphipod assemblage along the Mediterranean Israel coast: data from 2010 to 2017.

Sanja Matić-Skoko – READ POSTER

The specific changepoints along the Sparus aurata juvenile lifetime profile reveal differences between estuarine nursery habitats.

Seohee Lim – READ POSTER

Spatial variability of marine nematode diversity from Korea and British Isles across hierarchical spatial scales.

Slavica Petović – READ POSTER

Characteristics of Axinella cannabina (Esper, 1794) (Porifera, Demospongiae) population in the southeast Adriatic Sea (Boka Kotorska Bay, Montenegro)

Svanhildur Egilsdóttir – READ POSTER

First report in the North Atlantic, Melanochlamys diomedea on a transoceanic journey.

Triana Revanales – READ POSTER

New insights into the benthic macrofauna communities in sedimentary shores of Deception Island, Antarctica: Spatial and temporal patterns.

Valentina Ferrari – READ POSTER

Can the hydrozoan Clytia hemisphaerica be a new model organism for marine ecotoxicity?

Valerio Mazzella – READ POSTER

Colourful relationships: Deciphering host and microbial origin of pigment profiles in Mediterranean sponge holobionts.

Vittoria Dias – READ POSTER

EuFish, a project for the re-evaluation of underutilized European fish species towards a sustainable fishery management and zero waste approach.

Wiebke Stamerjohanns – READ POSTER

Long-term changes in the macrofauna communities of the Otzumer Balje (East Frisian Wadden Sea) between 1998 and 2022.


Multiple pressures and their combined effects in the Strait of Sicily.