Chair Roberto Danovaro: 10:00 - 10:50 Invited talk: Paul Snelgrove (University of Newfoundland, Canada) “Marine Biodiversity Takes Center Stage: Sustaining Biodiversity in the 21st Century” Despite expanding pressures on ocean resources and associated new challenges for ocean sustainability, rapid scientific tool development creates new opportunities to advance our understanding of marine biodiversity and its importance […]
Chair Roberto Sandulli: 14:00 – 14:50 Invited talk: Gil Rilov (National Institute of Oceanography, Israel) “Tropicalization: a powerful engine of ocean change, and a conservation challenge” Tropicalisation is a marine process arising from contemporary climate change. It is characterised by range expansion or the invasion of tropical/subtropical species and the retraction of temperate species in […]
Chair Antonio Terlizzi: 08:30 – 09:20 Invited talk: Lisandro Benedetti-Cecchi (University of Pisa, Italy) “From large to small and back to large again: embracing multiple scales to understand resilience and stability of reef assemblages” Scale in ecology is a multidimensional concept, referring both to the hierarchical levels of biological organization and to the spatial and […]
Chair Marco Munari: 14:00 – 14:50 Invited talk: Sam Dupont (University of Gothenburg, Sweden) "The order of time – Bridging chemical changes with biological response to address ocean acidification" Addressing and minimizing the impact of ocean acidification require an understanding of how the changes in the carbonate chemistry drives the biological responses. While significant progress […]
Chair Simonetta Fraschetti: 08:30 – 09:20 Invited talk: Fiorenza Micheli (Stanford University, USA) "Resilience and vulnerability of coastal social-ecological systems to global shocks" Coastal ecosystems and communities are threatened worldwide by climate change, and shocks from social, market and political change. There is an urgent global need to promote resilient social-ecological systems in the face […]
Chair Olga Mangoni: 13:30 – 13:40 Speaker: Melita Peharda “Reconstructing the Mytilus galloprovincialis shell growth using a sclerochronology approach.” Authors: M. Peharda, B. R. Schöne, K. Markulin, H. Uvanović, K. Tanaka, K. Shirai, D. Goodwin, H. Mihanović. 13:40 – 13:50 Speaker: Marta Gluchowska “Ecological niche overlap in sibling zooplankton species on the Atlantic–Arctic boundary. Is […]
15:40 - 15:50 Short introduction by Marie-Helene Rio and Ivan Conesa Alcolea 15:50 – 15:58 Speaker: Anna M Addamo “MPA Europe: designing representative and ecological coherent MPA networks.” Authors: A. M. Addamo, MPA Europe Team, M. J. Costello. 15:58 – 16:06 Speaker: Myron A. Peck “Advancing Restoration and Conservation as Nature-based Solutions in a Future […]
17:30 - 17:40 Isabel Sousa Pinto and Ivan Conesa Alcolea “Project collaboration for stakeholder engagement and dissemination” 17:40 – 17:48 Speaker: Maddalena Visser “Needs for supporting the implementation of the NRL for marine ecosystems” Authors: V. Nikolic, M. Visser. 17:48 – 17:56 Speaker: Ute Jacob “Challenges for Marine Biodiversity: A Science Policy Interface Perspective.” Author: U. […]
Chair Mark John Costello: 09:00 – 09:50 Invited talk: Emily Darling (Director Wildlife Conservation Society) Tropical coral reefs provide local communities with livelihoods, food security, cultural significance, and coastal protection, making them one of the most biodiverse ecosystems on our planet. As global warming and extreme heat stress accelerate, coral bleaching events are becoming more […]
Chair Gianluca Sarà: 09:00 – 09:50 Invited talk Chiara Petrioli (Founder and CEO, WSense srl) "Enabling Ocean Big Data by means of the Internet of Underwater Things" Underwater robotics and the Internet of Underwater Things, including innovation on sensing technologies, are providing a technological revolution in the Blue Economy which is enabling unprecedented Ocean Big […]
11:10 – 12:10 Invited talks: Simonetta Fraschetti, Gianluca Sarà, Mariachiara Chiantore and GianMarco Luna. 12:10 – 12:20 Speaker: Mariacristina Prampolini “The National (Marine) Biodiversity Observatory System, a tool to collect and harmonize monitoring data on Italian marine biodiversity.” Authors: V. Grande, M. Prampolini, G. Castellan, F. Ape, I. Conese, A. Correggiari, G. Della Valle, G. […]